

DISC-O-BED EU GmbH is using this Internet presentation (“website”) to portray itself. For this reason, the website is subject to a continual process of updating and improving the information and functions offered. DISC-O-BED EU GmbH reserves the right to amend or extend the website without giving prior notice.
DISC-O-BED EU GmbH will take all reasonable care to provide information on this website that is correct and complete. This also applies to all links (“hyperlinks”) directly or indirectly connected to this website. However, DISC-O-BED EU GmbH cannot perform continuous checking of all the pages that can be reached through such a hyperlink and therefore, DISC-O-BED EU GmbH cannot be held responsible for the content of these pages.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. However, DISC-O-BED EU GmbH gives permission to you to download and to copy in part or in whole the text content of this website. For copyright reasons you are not permitted to download or copy any pictures or graphic images from this website. However, we grant prior general permission to publishers, television broadcasters and comparable media to copy for use in their reporting activities the graphic files which we have provided in the NEWS archive for this purpose.

References to copyright and brand names may neither be changed nor deleted. Our website may only be accessed and used in such a manner that the use of the DISC-O-BED EU GmbH online offer by other visitors and users is not impinged. All other activities undertaken with regard to our Internet presentation require our prior written permission.

Limitation on liability

With the exception of claims for damages as a result of the absence of warranted characteristics and of claims in connection with the product liability law, all claims made for damages against us (e.g. due to faults in contract negotiations, positive infringement of contract, non-permitted activities) are excluded unless they refer to dealings with businessmen carried out with intent or gross negligence by our authorized representatives or our top management, or also with intent or gross negligence by our vicarious agents. In the case of late or non-compliance in dealings with non-businessmen our liability also includes cases of negligence, but only to the extent of the additional expenditure required for securing a replacement. For the infringement of major contractual obligations our liability also includes cases of simple negligence by our authorized representatives or our top management, limited however to typical and foreseeable damage.

Insofar as DISC-O-BED EU GmbH is jointly and severally liable with other parties, it always has only subsidiary liability as the last party.

DISC-O-BED EU GmbH accepts liability for the loss of data only insofar as the data has been saved in machine-readable form at appropriate intervals, but at least once a day.

The above-mentioned limitations of liability are also applicable with regard to our authorized representatives, our top management and our various agents.