The following products are protected by patents in the U.S. and elsewhere. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the United States Code and provide notice under 35 U.S.C. §287 (a) (Title 35: Patents; Part III: Patents and protection of patent rights; Chapter 29: Remedies for infringement of patent, and other actions; Sec. 287: Limitation on damages and other remedies; marking and notice).The list also includes International Designs designating the U.S., under Regulation on International Registration of Industrial Designs for countries party to the Hague Agreement (comprising the Acts of 1934, 1960, 1967, Geneva Protocol of 1975 and the Geneva Act of 1999).
In the following list of products and patents may not be all inclusive. For example, some products listed here may be covered by patents in the United States and elsewhere that are not listed, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents in the United States and elsewhere. The following list of products may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents.
*DISC-O-BED U.S. Registered Patents and Design Patents symbolized by ®
The following products are protected by patents and designs in the European Union under the EPC (European Patent Convention), Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on protecting Community designs and Regulation on International Registration of Industrial Designs for countries party to the Hague Agreement (comprising the Acts of 1934, 1960, 1967, Geneva Protocol of 1975 and the Geneva Act of 1999).
In the following list of products, patents and designs may not be all inclusive. For example, some products listed here may be covered by patents and designs in the EU and elsewhere that are not listed, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents or designs in the EU and elsewhere. The following list of products may be covered by one or more of the following EU Patents, Community Designs and International Designs designating the EU (among other countries).
*DISC-O-BED EU Registered Patents and Designs symbolized by ®